Saturday, September 7, 2013

Writing a novel requires dedication

The title of my post says it all. I want to write a novel soooo badly, but I am not always good at persevering. And I do try to give myself a deadline. That deadline is the end of November. And what is so special about November? Natonal Novel Writing Month (NanoWriMo)! Yep. My way of doing it is beginning the story earlier in the year. Then, in November, I do some hardcore typing. I wrote one novel in this way. I wanted to do this again last year, but I just wasn't feeling well and my brain was drained. So, I am hoping that this year will be better.

I have already started the story, but sitting at a desk and typing is the hardest thing on the planet for me. I want to just lay in bed, get distracted, and then type as I will. It's just too bad that my laptop is busted. They are perfect for that kind of thing.

In the meantime, I will blog more. That will keep me in writing mode, and I will find it easier to commit the act of putting my thoughts to computer screen.

Of course I could always just write a novel the old fashioned way (pen to paper). But it's just so much easier to edit when you are typing.

Still, that is a different and slower way of doing things....The act of putting pen to paper and writing something by hand requires slower processing and--perhaps--could be better for my endeavor in the long run.

Maybe I shall try that.

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