Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A sound mind needs a sound environment

As I clean up little by little, I think I am proving to myself that my theory that a chaotic home breeds a chaotic mind is very true. I already feel like I have more energy and am more ambitious. I have been so tired lately, but today I finally went out and exercised for the first time in over a week. I did 20 minutes of light cycling at the gym, 10 minutes of weight lifting, and then I went home and jumped on my mini trampoline for 5 minutes. 35 minutes of exercise does a body good. And then I kept up the good work and swept up some more. I got a whole bunch of unnecessary papers (junk mail, etc) off the floor :-) By doing little by little, my home is starting to look less like the home of a hoarder and more like a real home--something that could be recognized as the domicile of a healthy, functioning human being.

I am not a hoarder because of any obsessive compulsive tendencies. I just can't execute a plan to pick things up and organize. That part of the brain doesn't work. But by just  dedicating a little bit of time to one thing and then another every single day, I find that I can execute just enough of a plan to get the ball rolling on getting this little place presentable.

I don't know how true it is that all people are a product of their environments, but I am certainly a product of mine. I thrive in certain environments and do horribly, both mentally and physically, in others. I don't think I thrive very well in my current environment. But maybe I can make things a little better just by getting my home in order.

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